JBelly School of RAQ: Bellydance
JBelly School of RAQ presents: احتفال (iHtifaal), or “celebration.”
JBelly School of RAQ presents: احتفال (iHtifaal), or “celebration.” Witness the transformative power of belly dance as each movement weaves together stories of unity, resilience, and joy. Join our JBelly Jewels in celebrating the gift of life, the beauty of community, the power of solidarity, and the richness of the cultural histories that birthed belly dance as we know it. Our dancers will embody the essence of celebration, radiating a palpable energy that fills the entire room.
Each JBelly Jewel, short for Janelle’s Belly Dancing Jewels, is unique, beautiful, precious, and brilliant in their own way no matter their age, ethnicity, shape, or size. Janelle, creator of JBelly School of RAQ, believes that bellydance is just as diverse as its dancers with its true essence existing in its healing and body loving roots. Join us on February 16th to experience each Jewel shinning brightly and uniquely as the next.
Follow them on social at: @jbellyburn and @jbelly_school_of_raq.