Kota Yamazaki/ Fluid hug-hug
Darkness Odyssey Part 2: I or Hallucination (Excerpt)

Darkness Odyssey is a series of dances inspired by the written words of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, and butoh pioneer Tatsumi Hijikata’s notion of “dance of darkness”. This series explores the idea of the body and dance as a black hole, which absorbs everything, even seemingly unrelated things equally, and each part features performers with different cultural backgrounds, body types, and/or performers who have undergone different training.
Darkness Odyssey Part 2: I or Hallucination was premiered at Baryshnikov Arts Center in December 2017, and the work also took inspirations from a folklore of goze music (or music of blind women) around Tohoku region (Northeast Japan) while exploring a steam-like or vaporizing body. This presentation is an excerpt of the work.