Vanessa Anspaugh

Mournings In-Process

New York Live Arts Studios
May 6, 7PM
Tickets start at $15

Mourning wants to wake-up.But, if we accept with sober presence the truth of the epoch losses we are amidst, then I wonder, what else can we do but try to find ways to end well? How do we mourn, honor and celebrate bodies lived while at the same time continue to protest the abuses of power on vulnerable bodies? In this work in process showing,three archetypal female outcasts (facing their own aging bodies) along with one transmasculine teen ghost, tell an ancient story that is also the present. Narrative and time is constructed and deconstructed in cyclical reverie, exploring communal responsibility and resistance to the devastating, absurd, and sacred ways we come to care for eachother and ritualize endings.

Performers: Maura Nyugen-Donohue, Becky Serrell, Anna Azrieli & Sasa Young
Lighting Design: Kathy Couch
Composer & Sound Design: Leslie Allison