New York Premiere
The duo Claire Porter & Sara Juli, first paired by ADF in 2015, present their latest ADF-commissioned collaboration, The Lectern: rule by rule by rule. Living according to rules is the demand on all of us. We are surrounded by the rules of our laws, protocols, manners, and expectations. But what are these rules? What are the rules of the game we’re playing? And what happens when rules take over? Using movement, text, sound, song, and a catwalk runway, the acclaimed comedic performers upend our day-to-day, necessary-to-survive rule-rituals in The Lectern: rule by rule by rule and find the hilarious in the rule-bending of our daily lives.
The Lectern by Claire Porter and Sara Juli is commissioned by ADF with support from the Doris Duke/SHS Foundations Award for New Works and The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation. Additional support provided by Hilton Durham near Duke University.
Runtime: 60 minutes
OCT 11, 2pm-4pm Shared Practice