Back by popular demand, The Shining is a thrilling dance-installation set inside the intricate maze of 350 refrigerator boxes. Originally created and performed in 1993 at Performance Space 122 and in 1995 at PS1 Contemporary Art Center, this Bessie Award-winning work puts audience members and performers together in an extraordinarily crafted, living, breathing and inimitable environment.
Dec 18 at 6PM Come Early Symposium: Exceptional behavior in East Village Dance: Spotlight on Yvonne Meier’s “The Shining.” with Doran George (dancer, choreographer, artist, curator and scholar) and Carla Peterson (Artistic Director, New York Live Arts), Amy Smith (Co-Director, Headlong Dance Theater) and Jennifer Monson (Artistic Director, iLAND)
Sign up for Yvonne's Shared Practice class, Dec 15, 1:30-3:30pm, $15.
The reconstruction of The Shining was supported by the National Endowment for the Arts through American Masterpieces: Three Centuries of Artistic Genius. This presentation is made possible by the Lambent Foundation.