Culminating a year’s work with world-renowned dance educator and choreographer Ellen Robbins, each student creates his or her own dance solo, steeped in the unmistakable individualism that resides in every child. Their works span a variety of theater experiences: humorous, dramatic, lyrical, minimal, abstract. Music selections also cover a broad range from Bach to Stravinsky to Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Each of the five unique concerts consist of solos by the students, ages 8 – 18, and the following group pieces: Rainforest and New Work – 6/5 at 7:30, Secret Service & Garden Party 6/6 at 3pm, Walkaround Vermeer – 6/6 at 7:30pm, Waterstudy & Swatch – 6/7 at noon, and Ode & New Work – 6/7 at 4PM.
Ellen Robbins' presentation at New York Live Arts is made possible through New York Live Arts’ Theater Access Program. The Theater Access Program is a comprehensive subsidized rental program benefiting a diverse group of dance and theater companies and producing organizations