Live Core Artist Services

Two Figures Dressed in White Linen Dancing on the stage of a black box theater. One figure has dipped their body sideways while the other supports.

Live Core is a creative incubator, network, and platform for artists to elevate and propel their ideas forward. Utilizing the resources of New York Live Arts, Live Core empowers artists to connect with larger audiences, raise funds to support their work, and engage with industry professionals and other Live Core artists to bolster their professional and artistic development. Putting creativity front and center, Live Core artists enliven the ecology of performance in New York City and beyond.

Enrollment in Live Core is $100 for a full year of unlimited access to the program’s offerings, including:

  • New York Live Arts’ Fiscal Sponsorship Program
  • Monthly newsletter including grants and opportunities
  • Priority booking on our studio calendar
  • Live Core professional development workshops and community events including exclusive access to dress rehearsals and studio performances
  • Reduced rates on New York Live Arts Workshops and master classes
  • 20% Ticket Discount to shows and advance access during ticket presales
  • 20% discount on onsite lobby promotional screens and complimentary bi-annual placement in the New York Live Arts Newsletter
  • Discounted rate for workshops and auditions in our studios
  • 1 hour of Consulting in the area of artists choice (PR, Marketing, Engagement, Budgeting, Grant Writing, Education and Licensing or Strategic Planning)

Become a Live Core member

Contact: Live Core Program and Fiscal Sponsorship Inquiry: Lily Beth Senkowski, Live Core & Development Associate –