Ford Foundation Live Gallery
Obama Out–Say It Loud Opening Party

Presented as the first “Obama Out” event is Say It Loud!, a participatory installation in the Ford Foundation Live Gallery by For Freedoms, the first artist-run super PAC. The installation opens September 19, 2016, 6PM and continues through December 5, 2016. Visitors are invited to add to the installation sharing their thoughts about freedom, the election, the political process and their place in it.
Co-founded by Hank Willis Thomas and Eric Gottesman, For Freedoms encourages new forms of critical discourse surrounding the 2016 presidential election. As the first artist-run super PAC, For Freedoms uses art to inspire political engagement for citizens who want to have a greater impact on the American political landscape.
“Inspired by American artist Norman Rockwell’s paintings of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms from 1941, our super PAC aims to subvert a ‘Rockwellian’ nostalgia for a ‘simpler’ America while co-opting a visual language that is accessible to a wide audience of viewers,” say the co-founders. “We believe that artists, and art, play an important role in galvanizing our society to do better. We believe it is time for artists to become more involved in the political process,“ they state.