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New York Live Arts’ programmatic approach concentrates on the creation of new work in an effort to expand the contemporary American dance repertory. Across our areas of activity which range from performance to the creation of new work to civic participation, Live Arts aims to be a home for bold, inclusive art that is vital to the fabric of the local, national, and international communities.
Our organization looks for rigor in the questions the artists raise and the language through which each artist’s ideas are realized. Work that asks difficult questions is emblematic of our approach at Live Arts, and we embrace the idea that artists play a unique role in bringing about justice and change-making.
Live Arts is proud to continue our mission of providing much-needed resources to artists at every stage of their career. In a world where access to resources and funding for artists is increasingly challenging, celebrating the legacy of Bill T. Jones and commemorating the artists we have served since our inception is inherent to our mission.”